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You may have heard a lot about Nutricet and why it has become so popular. Since its launching, Nutricet has become part of people's daily dieting regimen. To those who do not know about Nutricet, it was introduced as a natural weight loss supplement without the dangerous and embarrassing side effects other "diet pills" have been known to cause. Nutricet weight loss pills will not cause anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, anal leakage, heart-palpitations, etc. that many other diet pills currently on the market can cause. Nutricet pills are made with effective ingredients that attack fat, promote the formation of lean muscle mass, suppress your appetite, and increase your metabolism. They are designed to work naturally with your body to achieve maximum weight loss with minimal to no adverse side effects. You should also follow a sensible and regular exercise plan in order to succeed in your weight-loss goals.

Some people combine Nutricet with other diet pills in an attempt to lose weight faster. It is extremely dangerous to lose weight at an accelerated rate. If you lose weight too fast, you are likely losing some muscle, which is only going to hinder your fat loss. There are several reasons why it can be unwise to lose weight too quickly. It's usually a sign that you're not eating enough, which puts you at risk of malnutrition. Taking a multivitamin will not replace eating healthy food. Vitamins are no substitute for real food. Losing weight too quickly can indicate over-exercising, which puts you at risk of injuring yourself. If you're doing both, starving yourself and exercising too much, you will put your body under unnecessary strain. The other downside to losing weight too fast is that you'll most likely regain the weight you lost, plus some, at some point. 

Obese or very overweight people will tend to lose weight more quickly in the beginning of their diet than people with less weight to lose. Losing 5 pounds a week wouldn't be unusual for someone starting at an obese weight. A weight loss rate of 2 pounds per week is generally advised as a safeguard against nutrition problems, muscle-loss, a decreased metabolism, and ultimately rapid regain of the weight that was lost.

People who have been on a very low-calorie diet may experience negative side effects such as fatigue, nausea, constipation, and the formation of gallstones. Gallstones are more likely to occur in people who are obese, but they can form frequently during rapid weight loss. This may be due to increased cholesterol levels in the gallbladder and a decreased ability of the gallbladder to contract and expel bile. There are medications available to help prevent the formation of gallstones. Hopefully you will not have this problem if you follow a healthy eating plan and exercise regularly. Athletes have even died while trying to lose weight too rapidly in preparation to be weighed in for weight classification. They have been known to drastically cut down on their food and fluid intake, as well as attempt to perspire excessively to lose weight by wearing vapor-impermeable suits and exercising in hot environments. Athletes who have been known to do this have sometimes experienced cardiovascular arrest. This is an extreme example of the dangers associated with rapid weight loss.

Other dangers associated with rapid weight loss include electrolyte imbalances, lethargy, low blood-sugar, sleepiness, and mood swings. There can be diminished short-term memory and mental performance. Testosterone levels and endurance can be lowered. There may be a decreased rate of growth and a lessened resistance to infection. The immune system may be compromised. The body may be less able to regulate temperature.

Please refer to our Product Info page to learn how Nutricet works.