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"I am so happy about my new svelte figure. I'm no longer insecure about my weight and I owe it to Nutricet! It didn't take long before the pounds started coming off. I didn't deprive myself at all and even when I ate maybe one too many desserts ;) I still lost weight. I didn't feel the usual guilt and beat myself up because I knew Nutricet was helping me, especially when I slipped. This is an effective weight loss supplement. I experienced no bad side effects. I lost 20 pounds in 3 months. I'm 5'1" and weigh 125, my goal weight.....I do pilates 3 times a week and take a brisk walk (about 30 minutes) almost every weekend. So, strenuous exercise isn't necessary. Just enough to give you the energy you want and keep your muscles firm and toned."
Jen C. Atlanta, GA

"I can now say I'm always excited to see my body in the mirror. I was so frustrated when my waist was over 40 inches. It was hard for me to fit in my pants for more than a few months at a time because of my growing stomach. When I took Nutricet, I started consistently shedding pounds over time. Nutricet is good for you too and that feels great. Guys, if you want to achieve that six pack without depriving yourself, try Nutricet. I don't know if it works for everyone as quickly as it worked for me....I was ready to lose my weight once and for all. I lost a total of 33 pounds in 12 weeks! I worked out, lifted, 3-4 times a week and ate 3 square meals a day. No special diet required, as long as you don't overindulge. As long as you're motivated to lose weight.....give Nutricet a try and and you can get incredible results so much faster and easier than without Nutricet."
John Sutherland

"When I was obese, I confined myself to the four corners of my room. I lost my self-confidence and although I love the beach, I distanced myself from people because I was so big. People used to make fun of me, call me names. My face was bloated, my entire body was really big. I felt awful. I had no energy. I had aches and pains every day. I huffed and puffed from just walking across the room. But a cousin introduced me to Nutricet and I lost 50 lbs.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My friends were shocked to see the sudden change in my body. I shared my experience taking Nutricet with them. Now 2 of my friends are taking it and they're getting slimmer too. This is not just a product for people who want to lose 10 stubborn lbs. That would be my only need to lose 10 lbs.!!!! It works for those of us who need to lose a significant amount of weight.....who have had a lifelong struggle with their weight. Don't procrastinate anymore, don't put yourself on the backburner, you're worth it, you deserve to be happy, give yourself the gift of a health.......starting today!"
Martha Age 46

"Okay, I'm the one who just wanted to lose those last stubborn pounds! No matter what I did, I couldn't shed those last 10-12 pounds! I tried every diet, I starved myself, I worked-out, and no luck! I was so frustrated!!!! I was ready to give up! I couldn't see the muscles I worked so hard to build and tone because of a layer of fat that hung off the sides of my waist (love-handles/muffin-top) and my saggy rear-end!!! I could FEEL the tight muscles underneath, but I couldn't SEE them. I was really discouraged!!! I almost gave up and stopped my jogging and weight-lifting. I was so angry that all my hard work was not getting rid of that last layer of fat! I know I may be picky, but I was so self-conscious around my "perfect" friends and classmates when we went to Florida for spring break that I always wore shorts (to cover my butt) and a t-shirt or tank (to cover my muffin-top) on the beach! You know how it is with "perfect looking" 20 year olds.....the bar is set so high :/ I need to stop comparing myself to others, I know, because I will always be able to find flaws with myself. When I heard about Nutricet, I did not hesitate to try it. My friends told me that taking this natural supplement was a safe way to make my work-outs and dieting the most effective it can be. There were no bad side-effects when I took Nutricet, and that was very important to me. I'm very careful about everything I put in my body. I'm a vegetarian and eat organic foods whenever I can. Listen to this....I lost those last 10 pounds in a month! I didn't change my diet or exercise regimen (since I live a healthy lifestyle already)....all I did was add Nutricet to my diet and that stubborn fat just melted away! It worked exactly how I wanted it to. It did exactly what I needed it to do! I'm so confident with my new tight waist and firm rear-end! I wear my favorite bikini without a cover-up and I look great. When diet and exercise just aren't enough, Nutricet will give you that boost you need!"
Alexandra R.

"After hearing about the horrific side effects other weight loss supplements can cause, I was very skeptical about taking any "diet pill" to help me lose weight. I've researched every diet pill out there (it seems) for years, I feel like an expert. I've read about those embarrassing side effects like "anal-leakage" and the life-threatening side effects like heart problems. You see, I used to weigh 150 pounds, which isn't ideal being that I'm only 5’3”. I call myself a chocoholic and sweets are my weakness. I can't deprive myself of dessert or else I won't stick to any diet. I'm happy to say that I've slowly gained self-control and I'm able to eat my sweets in moderation :) I just seemed to hit a "weight-plateau" at 150 pounds and stopped losing weight. I just wasn't happy with how I looked, but I wasn't willing to go on another diet. That's when I started researching all the diet pills out there, in depth. I never tried any because I wasn't willing to expose myself to any of the side effects. I told myself I would rather stay at 150 than take anything that would have bad side effects. So, when I came across Nutricet, I was optimistic about the natural ingredients being a safe, yet effective way to aid in fat loss. I was really excited to try it. I'm happy to report that after adding Nutricet to my diet, I lost 13 pounds, 3 more than I was shooting for! I didn't go on any special diet. I didn't have to deprive myself. I still ate my chocolate in moderation, as well as my favorite foods. I understand I can't go crazy and eat everything in sight. I'm just not willing to give up the foods I love, ever. I've just learned to eat them in moderation. I have to enjoy my life and that includes what I eat and my activities. Unfortunately, I don't love my job right now, so enjoying my spare time is important to me. I walk my dogs for exercise, which I enjoy, or else it's not worth it to me. I'm not the person who will force myself to run on a treadmill for an hour or only eat fruits and vegetables. I feel like a new woman! I have a newfound zest for life! I'm oozing with confidence and my husband loves it! Nutricet helped me get the body I want without giving up the things I love."
Lana Young

"Hey! Give me a diet supplement that works! I don't want to go on another diet. There are certain diets that are so strict, they don't allow for ANY foods I love, and that's a recipe for disaster. My wife took Nutricet and she had phenomenal results! So, of course, I tried it too and I got incredible results! Way more than I bargained for! I didn't expect much because I've taken other diet pills before, and had some bad effects from it. I told my wife I was never going to take another pill to lose weight, I'd rather be fat! But, after she took Nutricet and I saw how great it worked for her, I was in! I'm so glad she found this pill. It worked so great I tell everybody about it! Maybe I should ask for some referral bonuses! I feel like a spokesperson! At first, I wanted to keep it a secret and tell everyone I lost those 20 pounds with nothing but hard work! No extra help! But, I couldn't help it, I had to tell everyone we know (and even strangers) about this pill. It really gives you the extra help you need instead of starving yourself and spending all day at the gym! You can live a normal life and not be obsessed with losing weight, but still lose weight! That's the best way! It's just natural, so it's easy to make it a part of your life. It's been over a year since my wife and I lost the weight, and it's still off. If you notice you're putting back on some of the weight here and there, it's okay, just catch it early on and take Nutricet, and you're set!!!! Hey, there's a slogan for you!"
Alan NY, NY

“I have always been overweight, but I was horrified when I found out this year that I was actually obese. Being obese caused the aches and pains to get much worse and exercise then just gets more difficult. I started to feel like I was 85 instead of 25! It didn’t seem to matter how healthy I ate, how much exercise I did and how much I cut down my meal portions, I was lucky if I lost 2lbs in a month! I have always been self conscious about my weight. I’ve always been on a diet. I’ve yo-yoed on so many fad diets including the cabbage diet and every time I only lasted about 7 days before I gave up and returned to my old eating habits. Every time I hit a plateau in my healthy eating plan, I would think "so what" and binge. It was an endless cycle. When I was out of control, I would always give myself too large a portion and feel bloated at the end of it. After adding Nutricet to my diet, and sticking to eating 3 healthy meals a day, pounds started coming off! I would say I ate about 1,600 calories a day in the beginning and lost 5 pounds the first week. I tapered my daily calories to about 1, 400 calories during the second month, and then 1,200 calories the third month. I continued to lose at least 3 pounds a week for 8 weeks and then about 2 pounds a week as got to my goal weight. It has taken a while for all the weight to come off, but it has been worth it because not only have I lost weight, I have finally been able to add exercise to my regimen because my aches and pains are gone! I'm toning up with yoga and pilates and I love it!"
Alexandra from Chicago, IL